Providing simple technology solutions that alleviate the challenges facing humanitarian work
© 2016 – 2022 GeniusTags. All rights reserved. Proudly made for humintarin sectores
GeniusDistribution is a one-stop solution for managing small and large humanitarian distribution activities, enabling offline distribution, real-time monitoring, and on-the-spot management flexibility.
Android-based mobile app that allows you to utilize any Android device for the management and control of your item distribution projects.
Secure control panel that allows real-time complete management and monitoring with on-time auditing and verification for project implementation
A wide variety of features for enabling multiple projects, multi-type items and distribution scheduling.
Complete management and control of the beneficiaries data and their relevant activities.
ِAdvanced accessibility features, making it easy to use for people with disabilities and people with low literacy levels.
Advanced security features to ensure that beneficiary and organization data is always safe and protected.
Advanced data management features, allowing greater control and flexibility in the handling of project data.
Create customized reports and use your project data. Reports can be exported in these formats Excel, Word, and PDF.
Real-time tracking capabilities of items, packages, and pallets throughout your organization's supply chain, and distribution and storage points.
Standardized APIs and security features, allowing the implementation of plugins to extend the system's functionalities to fit your needs.
Organizations can distribute commodities, such as food baskets and hygiene kits
Providing simple technology solutions that alleviate the challenges facing humanitarian work
© 2016 – 2022 GeniusTags. All rights reserved. Proudly made for humintarin sectores